Monday, May 31, 2010

To Be Discontinued...

So it's that time again, to clear out some of the old images especially the ones that don't sell well, but also some that need revamped...yes that means some will be coming back, not the same as the original but similar (for example baby bump became the whole world in our hands earth day image) and some wont be coming back at all, because I like to try and give you all fair warning I wanted to let you know that on the 15th of June the following images will no longer be available so if you want them please purchase them before they are gone forever.
By cleaning out the excess it allows me to be able to keep my prices lower because I don't want to make my images $4 across the board if I can help it I want to try and keep as many at $3 as possible. plus... I am working hard to set us up with a real website/webstore and well its hard to make happen with soooooo many images (we are over 200 I think or pretty close to)

So to be Discontinued...
WWW. Sassy
Sock Hop
Hippie Chic
Go Go girl
Disco Diva
Baby Bump
Tropical Scene Background
Hula Hunny
Surfs Up
Lounging Around
Beach Bum
Sassy Cassie
Fabbie Gabbie
Rockin Roxie
Candy Apple Candance
Bubblegum Brittany
Cupcake Carli
Cherry Pie Cheryl
Cinna-Buns Bonnie
Ice Cream Cindy
Freckled Lemonade Lindsay
Cotton Candy Candace
Soda Pop Penny
Popcorn Patty
Lolipop Lily
My Knight in Shining Armor
Precious Pirate
Pretty Pixie
Princess and the Frog
Princess of the Orient
Princess of the Sea
Princess Penelope
Pirate accessories
Cinderella accessories
Under the Sea Accessories
True Loves Kiss
The Frog Prince
Hunny Bunny
Vampire Rosalie
Halloween Accessories
Techie Tanya
School Day Dayna
Studying Stacey
School Day Accessories
Waiting for santa girl
Waiting for santa boy
A gift for you
I saw mommy kissing santa
Fiona and Frosty
Festive Feebie
Candy the elf
Skiing stacey
meet me under the mistletoe
shopping stacey
giving thanks
High Heels
Royal Couple frogs
Decorate a Cake
Mail box
Santa hat
Perfect Present
ice skates
for santa
cheers to you
a glass of wine
shaken not stirred
stroke of midnight
holiday tags
wonderland tea party
teddy bear love
big heart
sweet talk
stamping stella
cheshire head shot
hang ten hanna
luau lani
combat carmen
air force annie
sailor sandy
patriotic patty
chelsea and her chicks
little alice
little white rabbit
off with her head
and ALL Cameos

I know that is a lot!
SO let me reiterate...some of these images, but not all will be revamped and back but they will not be the exact same... and some of these were selected because they do not sell, and some though they sell well are my old editing style which is not as clean which is why i say some will be redone and re-released in the future

day 3 in our anniversary relay

Good Morning Everyone...It's Monday!!!
And the only reason I am so excited is because It's a Holiday! he hee no work! well real work lol SSD work of course but that's fun not work.
Sorry I didn't prepost so I am running a tad behind getting this up.
So how was every ones weekend so far? Do you have to work today? or did you get the day off as well? And what are you doing today?
I am going to spend part of it working on new images...yay!!! and the rest lounging by the pool and barbecuing with my family

So we have had a wonderful group of people make it through round 2 and I have send out image #3 to all that emailed in so if you have not sent in an email or if you haven't received my response yet send me another one quick letting me know so you all can get started on round 3...and Who do we have here today for round 3?!?!?

She has been one of our best sellers for sure! She was still selling at Christmas and even still into spring with Halloween months and months away people were still choosing her above so many others.

So if you are playing in the relay you have until 9 am PST Tuesday morning to link to the Frogger/Inlinkz below and email me at to get the next image in the relay. There is 1 more images in the relay and if you can hang until the end you will get a new release image as a prize. And for those that can't join no worries lets cheer on and encourage those that can they are all doing such fabulous creations for us to see.
Plus we have 2 freebies posted in past posts (one in the DT call post and one in the 1st day of the relay post) and we will have another freebie on release day

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Sunday, May 30, 2010

A few questions answered

When you play along in our relay you must email me at letting me know you have already linked your image to the post and you are ready for the next image, otherwise I wont know where to send your image to so make sure you email in to get your next image in the relay if you have met the deadlines that is

And all creations must be new creations not something you did a year ago or even a month ago and repost it, that would be unfair to everyone else in the game.

Day 2 of the SSD Anniversary Relay

Good Morning Everyone!
It's is a bright and shining Sunday here in Southern California!
Wow we have had a great showing so far in the Relay Thank you everyone who is able to play along this weekend I am sincerely enjoying everyones creations.

So today is not a freebie for all, you had to have played in day one to get today's image, but since it is all about some of our best selling images of the year I wanted to be sure you all got to know who she was....
Princess Penelope!
She was my take on a Cinderella Character, She also had a masquerade mask that you could layer over her face. She was one of our first fairytale fantasy characters and is still one of everyones fav's.

So if you are playing in the relay you have until 9 am PST monday morning to link to the Frogger/Inlinkz below and email me at to get the next image in the relay. There are 2 more images in the relay and if you can hand until the end you will get a new release image as a prize. and for those that can;t join no worries lets cheer on and encourage those that can they are all doing such fabulous creations for us to see.

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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sassy Saturday Time Again

Good Saturday evening, hope your having a great weekend.  Because it’s Saturday, that means it’s SASSY SATURDAY time.  Sorry I was a little late in posting this, we have lots going on around here.  So, without wasting anymore time, here is our featured SASSY SATURDAY SISTAH Kelly.  Her blog is full of wonderful SASSY creations, I just picked one.  You will have to visit here blog to see all the wonderful SASSINESS.

sassy sat

Is that not adorable?!!  Onto other business, I told you there was a lot going on around here.  The next post down is the first post of our relay contest.  Grab the freebie, and create something with that, email Lindsay, and get the next freebie.  A couple of more posts down is the DT call. Grab that freebie, follow the directions and enter to be a part of our wonderful Design team.  And of course don’t forget to enter our weekly challenge.  To all of our US SASSY sistahs, HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!!!  Please stay safe and have fun!  Kelly email me (sara) at, and I’ll send out your SASSY SATURDAY SISTAH BADGE! 

The Sassy Anniversary Relay Begins

Happy Saturday all!

So today we are going to kick off our Sassy studios Anniversary Relay!!!
In Honor of being open for one year I wanted to celebrate some of our best selling images. Now I know this may mean you might already have the images I post, but considering this will be a 4 day relay that means 4 different images and then at the end if you play all 4 days you will get a 5th image as well from me which will be from the June 1st new release!

What to do:
Snatch up today's freebie and create something with her...can be anything no restrictions
You must post on your blog and link directly to it in the frogger inlinks below
then email me at letting me know you completed the 1st step of the relay

You must enter (link and email) before 9am PST Sunday May 30th (tomorrow)

The next step:
I will be checking my emails regularly this weekend so once you are done with the 1st step I will send you the 2nd must play and continue to play in order to receive the rest of the freebies. You will not be able to post your 2nd entry and get the 3rd days freebie until 9 am Sunday.

Why 9am - 9am?:
Well I like doing a lot of my posts at midnight to midnight, but i know we have many international fans as well, and so no matter what I wanted to do a 24 hour period but this in my opinion was going to be the best so we will try 9-9 this time and if it goes well maybe we will stick to it if not i can go back to 12-12 in future contests and challenges

So our 1st Image is going to be Sassy Cassie... Sassy Cassie wast my 1st top seller and continues to be. She epitomizes Sassy from her head to her toes. When I first created her I was inspired a little by Paris and those boots... I have always loved Victorian boots and these were my modern take.

So snatch up Cassie while you can, she will be up all 4 days so even if you miss out on day one you will still get her as a freebie and on release day we will have a special freebie for all as well
Be sure to double click on her to get the high resolution version before saving to your computer

Freebie was removed
PS don't forget we are having a DT call out (and another freebie is posted with it) it is 2 posts below this one so be sure to check it out

Post your links to your Sassy Cassie creations here

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Challenge Winner!

Lots going on this weekend, but I just wanted to make a quick post and announce last week's challenge winner! The challenge was to create something distressed. The winner is...

Kristy Young

Beautiful card! Please email Lindsay at to claim your prize...2 images of your choice! Congrats!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Release news and a DT call!

Happy Friday All!!!
I apologize I haJustify Fullven't been around this week was my 1st week at my new job, but also we have had a terrible stomach bug going around and I got it ugh!
But I am feeling so much better today and just in time for this wonderful holiday weekend and boy do I have some news for you!!!

So June 1st is release day as you may or may not know, but it's not just any release day....June in our 1 year anniversary here at SSD!!! I started SSD a year ago around the time of my 1 year wedding anniversary, so not only is SSD having an anniversary, Chris and I are as well he hee so June is going to be great fun!

So for this extra Special Landmark we couldn't just do any old release now could we?!?!?
So I wanted to come on here today to give you all a little heads up, our release party is going to start tomorrow with a little relay. This relay with be Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday where it will end with a full release party with hop and chatting and freebies the whole 9 yards!
So Saturday I will post a freebie for everyone to get it will be one of our best sellers of our 1st year, you must create something with that image by the deadline to get the next image, then create something with that image to get the next etc, so everyone will get the 1st freebie, but you must play in order to get the other freebies, and for those that play through the whole relay will get a final prize which will be one of the new release images!!! so thats just a brief intro for you I will have full details up tomorrow morning so make sure you check back and play all weekend

next order of business... a New DT Call!!!

We are looking for 4 more sassy ladies to join our team.
We will have a 6 month term for this full time team (we will continue to hold our monthly guest designer contest over at PCP and have a new guest designer each month)

What do you have to do:
1) you will be required to participate in SSD challenges (roughly 2 per month as it will be a rotating schedule)
2) you will also be required to participate in our sponsorship challenges (no more than 2 a month as they will also be rotated)
3) you will be required to create with SSD images and post on your blog, PCP and SCS at least once a week.
4) you must create at least 2 projects for each release day event.
5) you must actively participate in our release day parties and events as well as on out PCP group

What will you get:
1) upon acceptance to the team you will receive 3 SSD images of your choice to get started with
2) you will receive all of the images from each new release each month as well as any bonus images I create and give out during that time
3) you will receive a 30% discount on all other SSD images you wish to purchase

What are we looking for:
We are looking for energetic crafters that love Sassy Studio Images.
We are looking for team players that will contribute to the team environment and stay involved with our fans.

How to apply:
1) create a project with the freebie image below
2) select any other 3 projects you have done with any images
3) create a brief profile -name, email address, blog and/or gallery links, where you are from (international are welcome), why you want to be part of SSD and any little bits about yourself you'd like us to know

then email it all to me at

When is the Deadline:
You have until midnight PST (California time) on Saturday June 12th 2010 to get your email entries in. The new team will be selected and contacted via email by the 14th and announced to the public on the 15th of June. your term will start immediately as you will be a part of our July release. your term will end Dec 31st 2010

So whether you plan to try for the DT or not snatch up the freebie and play double click to go to full resolution version before saving to your computer


Happy Friday!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dare to Be Sassy Thursday

Happy Thursday! You know what that means...time to get Sassy! For this week's challenge, we'd like you to use fabric on your card. Can't wait to see what you come up with. Remember to use a Sassy image and upload your card below for a chance to win two sassy images of your choice! Here's some inspiration: (and a few sneak peeks from the new release!)




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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sponsoring Penny’s Paper Challenge

Good morning, hope all is well with you.  Today we are sponsoring Penny’s Paper Crafty Challenge.  They are giving you a bit of a different challenge this time around.  June is National fruit and veggie month. So, the challenge is to create something with a fruit/veggie theme.  Here are mine and Amanda’s


amanda's veggies



If you want a chance to win 4 more sassy’s, then head over to Penny’s Paper Crafty Challenge and link up your creation.  Also, don’t forget that you have until Midnight PST tonight to enter into our weekly challenge.  Good luck and have fun!

Monday, May 24, 2010

A Crazy Challenge Sponsorship

Good Monday morning, how is everyone’s Monday going?  Mine is good so far, we’ll see how it goes from here.  Today we are sponsoring The Crazy Challenge.  And their challenge to you is IT’S A GIRL THING!!!  Now, how perfect is that challenge for all your Sassy images?!  So, here are mine and Amanda’s for you.


It's a Girl Thing Front 

the inside

It's a Girl Thing Inside



Did you notice???  It’s a new image!!! This is one of the cute little Sassy’s that will be released on the 1st.  So, hurry over to The Crazy Challenge for your chance to win 4 digi images of your choice.  Have a wonderful Monday!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Sexy Sassy Saturday

Happy Saturday everyone.  Hope your all are having a wonderfully SASSY SATURDAY!  I have found an amazingly SASSY SISTAH to share with you today.  LisaC. from Stamped Art By Lisa has made this GORGEOUSLY SASSY creation. 


I told you right, is that not AMAZING!  So, Lisa email me at and I’ll send your badge out to you.  If you’d like to be featured as our SASSY SATURDAY SISTAH, then please email me at the above email address.  Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!

Winner of Challenge #19

Sorry so late! The winner of last week's bookmark challenge is...


She made this adorable bookmark...I just love the sentiment! Congrats Robyn! Be sure to email Lindsay at

Friday, May 21, 2010

If The Shoe Fits…..Scrap It!

Good Friday morning to you, hope your all having a fabulous morning.  I’m sitting here waiting for the rain-again!  Oh well, more time to craft-hehe! Ok, onto business.  Sassy Studios is sponsoring If The Shoe Fits…Scrap It.  They are an awesome challenge blog.  And their challenge for you today is a color one.  Red, Black and Khaki-how easy is that?!  So, here are mine and Amanda’s examples. 


Amanda's shoe fits



Make sure you head over to If The Shoe Fits…Scrap It, to play along for your chance to win 4 more SSD images to add to your collection.  Have a great day!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dare To Be Sassy Thursday #20

sassy thursday
Good Thursday to everyone.  We had a little mix-up with the posting this morning, so I’m here now to give you your challenge. 
Larisa has challenged us to do something distressed.   This could be inking, distressing your edges or even your image.  Use your imagination and let us see how creative you can be.  Here are Amanda’s and mine, to get you started.
For You
The challenge will run until Midnight PST on Wednesday the 26th.  We will announce last weeks winner tomorrow morning.  Have fun, and be creative!!

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Monday, May 17, 2010

A Blast From the Past Sponsorship

Good Monday morning, hope your having a good Monday.  Sassy Studio’s is sponsoring Incy Wincy Designs today.  Their theme in case you didn’t get it is Blast from the Past.  How fun is that.  Here’s mine:


So, if you’d like the chance to win 4 sassy images, then head over there and link up your creation.  Have a great day!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sassy Saturday Time Again!


Happy Saturday!!! I hope you all are having a wonderfully sunny and nice Saturday.  We are and I am so excited.  It seems like the nice weather might be around to stay.  And since it’s Saturday it’s time to feature another FABULOUSLY SASSY SATURDAY SISTAH , and today it is AmandaB.  She has this wonderfully SASSY creation for me to show you.

Celebrate_everything sassy sat. is this not too cute?!  Love how she put the present in her hand.  Love the buttons too.   So, AmandaB from Amanda’s crafts and more, email me-Sara at to get your SASSY SATURDAY SISTAH BADGE. 

If you’d like to be featured as our SASSY SATURDAY SISTAH, them email me at the above address, and we will feature you here!  Have a wonderful day!!!

We Hit 200 Members!!!

We hit over 200 members at PCP and we are SO excited!!!

So in Celebration of all our members and all our fans I want to invite you to join us over at Paper Craft Planet this weekend.

We are having Freebies and contests and chatting and just sharing all our sassyness over there so please stop on by

Friday, May 14, 2010

Winner of Challenge #18

We Have a Winner! Thank you to everyone that participated in last week's challenge! All of the cards were amazing! This was a difficult decision, but there can only be one winner. If you remember, the challenge was to use buttons and the winner is...


Congratulations! Be sure to email Lindsay at to claim your prize (two images of your choice).

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dare to Be Sassy Thursday #19

Sassy Thursday is here again and this week we have a super fun challenge for you! Create a bookmark! Upload your image here before next Thursday and you could win two images of your choice. Remember, the only rule is that you use a sassy image! Can't wait to see what kind of sassy goodness you guys come up with! Here's a little inspiration to get your creative juices flowing!



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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

We Are Sponsoring Crafty Creations

Good morning, hope you all are having a wonderfully fabulous day!!  Today we are sponsoring Crafty Creations.  Their challenge for you this week is “Around The World.”  Here are a couple of samples from myself and Amanda.


Amanda's challenge card for around the world



Make sure you head over there to play along, and get a chance to win 4 sassy images of your choice.  Have a wonderful day!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mother's out there!! Hope you're having a relaxing day! You deserve it!! :D

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Another Wonderful Sassy Saturday!


Good morning, hope all is well with you.  It’s a beautiful Saturday morning here in California.  I think we are finally getting rid of the rain.  I love to wake up to nice cool mornings where the sun is shining!  Since it is a Saturday morning, that means it’s time for another SASSY SATURDAY SISTAH!  Today we have Sherri from iloveflipflops!  She made this wonderful card with Mrs. S, that is just too cute!

stella stamper sassy saturday

Sherri, I love how you inked your background, and you chalkboard is perfect!  So, Sherri email me at and I will get you SASSY SATURDAY BADGE right out to you!  Have a wonderfully SASSY SATURDAY ladies!

If you would like to be featured as our SASSY SATURDAY SISTAH then please email me at

Friday, May 7, 2010

Dare to Be Sassy Challenge #17 Winner!

Time to announce the winner of last week's challenge...Remember, the inspiration was Mother's Day. Lots of beautiful cards, but only one can be the winner...Congrats to


This pop-up card is just too cute! Great job! make sure you email Lindsay at to receive two sassy images of your choice! Thanks to everyone who played along!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dare to Be Sassy Thursday #18

Yeah! It's Thursday and you know what that means...time to get Sassy!!! This week's challenge is to create something with BUTTONS! Add one or 20, you do decide, just make sure it's super sassy! Here's some inspiration:




In order to play along, just upload your creation here before next Thursday!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

We Are Sponsoring Papertake Weekly

Good morning, hope all is well with you.  We are sponsoring Papertake Weekly, and they have a great sketch for you this week.  So hop on over, play along, and you could win 4 wonderfully Sassy images.  Here are a couple of examples from me and Amanda.





So, go, play and have fun!