Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Good Morning all!
It's a Fabulous Fairytale Release Day here at SSD!
The post with the release day events will be coming shortly so please check back for all the specifics for the party...

as for me on a personal note I have lots to share if your interested

Well I haven't been around almost all month I have tried to get to emails the best I could but if I missed one or two I apologize, so this month was a BIG month!
Chris and I bought our 1st house!
Chris and I did a LOT of Demo in our 1st house.
Chris and I had to move all of our stuff into the garage and move in with my parents for a few more weeks because all the work still isn't done in out 1st house lol
my internet was going nuts the last few weeks at our old place and didn't make sense to take time off work to get someone out to check when we were just going to be moving....
Then on Sunday Night Tragedy Hit!
My dog was attacked a mauled by her siblings!
My LeeLoo (lab pit mix) was playing catch/fetch with a ball with my dad and my Stitch (pit bull) tried to steal the ball so they had a little scuffle...now normally it would have lasted a few seconds one would have gave up and they would have parted ways with 5 dogs little tiffs happen all the time but they are usually short and not harmful (what i mean by that is they don't bite each other hard they are usually very good with each other) but my dad gets in there tries to break it up and is yelling and the other three came running and attacked my LeeLoo! we think maybe they thought she was attacking my dad but leeloo would never in her life do that but a dogs perception and a pack mentality i guess you never know and her 2 sisters and her brother/boyfriend (none are the same litter all different breeds etc just they are family) they tore into her and wouldn't let go my dad got a 2 by 4 and started swinging to try to get them off her and even when that wouldn't work he dumped water on them ...in the process my dad was bit several times as well on his hand and a few came within millimeters of arteries.... talk about lucky!!! by dog though my poor baby had gashes all over punctures and tares some clear to the muscle so sunday night was spent and the animal ER and they quoted a starting price of 1400 not including follow up...I barely make that in a month at my full time job ok we just put all our savings into down payment for the house and the work etc plus they hadn't even shaved and inspected the woulds close that was just starting it would have cost 3500 at least so we had to leave which broke my heart to see my baby so hurt and not be able to afford to get her treated we took her home gave her some Ibuprofen washed the wounds with warm water and coated them all with neosporin. thank goodness I took monday off to finish cleaning the old place up after moving because now i spent most the day at the vets we went to our regular Vet and they shaved and inspected all the wounds before even pricing it out and with them they never charge me anything for follow up no matter how many time we have to go back in....they are always fair so when they told me 1000.00 well not that it was much better i still couldn't do it but my dad loves my dog she has lived with him this past year and a half and that is his baby too and he said just get her fixed we'll make it work so hours later she had stitches galore and drainage tubes all over as well but she is happy (accept for when I put the cone on her) and she is in great spirits she has to keep the cone on for at least a few days because of all the drains but she is starting to get used to it and is walking around more terrorizing the cats lol
one of my dads dogs had to get stitches on her head and he thanks god thats all she needs because he hit her with a large heavy stick to get her off my dog and she still wouldn't release and I want you to know my dad loves all our dogs and would never raise a hand or stick to them unless he had to but he thought they were going to kill my baby and he was alone at the property he was bit and bleeding and didn't have many option....
but considering when I was in China a few years ago i saw some men kill a dog to eat it and they whacked it over the head with sticks and pipes....she is a very lucky dog that all she had was a gash that needed stitches and wasn't worse and believe me so is my dad because he would have been just as broken hearted if he had killed his dog and he is that my dog was attacked like that....needless to say she wont be going back and thank goodness we got our house so she wont have to once she heels
so my baby is doing well still has lots of time ahead to be fully healed and hopefully no infections so keep her in your prayers if you would
well thanks for taking a minute for me to share my excitements and my heartbreaks with you and i will keep all posted on my babies recovery and ill have pics of the house and my LeeLoo on my blog in the next few days and once the house is done I cant wait! ..I'll get to share my studio with you all!!!

and I have a HUGE surprise for you all....we will be having a special extra release this month!!! Saturday Sept 11th mark your calendars there will be more SSD sassyness coming out that day!
Have a wonderful Wednesday and I hope I get to chat with you all at the party today!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Fun, New Challenge Blog Sponsorship!

Happy Sunday to you!  My family has left, and now the cleaning and laundry for the week begins.  So not fun, but oh well.  We are sponsoring a fairly new challenge blog- Musikkstua.  Their challenges are based on different types of music and songs.  Their theme for this week is “GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN”, and you have to use pink!  Kathy made up an amazing sample for you using the cheerful Chelsea image!


Isn’t this too cute, I’m in love with this color combo.  So, head over check out the new challenge at Musikkstua and link up your creation for your chance to win 4 images.  Have a great day!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Another Week Sponsoring Practical Scrappers

Hello again!  I wanted to let you know that we are sponsoring Practical Scrappers again this week.  Their theme is “WHITE PEN”.  Kathy made an amazing card for you with another little sneak peek on it!


Isn’t she gorgeous!!!!  So head over to Practical Scrappers for you chance to win 4 SASSY images.  And don’t forget about our release on the 1st.  Have a great weekend!

It’s Sassy Saturday Time!


Happy Saturday to you!!  It’s cloudy and raining here today, which is very nice change from the 115 degrees we had on Wednesday!!  So, it’s time to feature another SASSY SATURDAY SISTAH!!  This time I chose CLEOTA, she has several GORGEOUSLY SASSY creations on her blog for you to ooh and aah over.  This one is one of my fave’s.   I love this image~!


Isn’t this just FABULOUSLY SASSY?!  The paper is perfect for it, and the car is FAB!  Cleota, please email me at sassysaturdays@att.net, and I’ll get your badge right out to you.  If you would like to be featured or you know someone who should be featured as our SASSY SATURDAY SISTAH, then please email me at the above address.  Have a great weekend!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Easy Craft Projects Sketch Challenge Sponsorship

Good Friday evening to you!  I hope your having a wonderful start to your weekend.  I know I am, my SIL and family are her from out of town, and we’re having a blast!!  I did take some time out to let you know about our sponsorship for Easy Craft Projects.  Their challenge this week is a sketch challenge(my fave)!  I’m gonna throw a little sneak peek in here for you.  As you know we have our releases on the first of the month, and that’s next week!  So, may I introduce BRIAR ROSE!


Isn’t she darling!?  She is of course part of the Little Honey’s line, and you’ll be able to get your own next week.  Make sure you check out the challenge and play along for your chance to win 4 images of your choice!  Have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dare to Be Sassy #35

So sorry for the delay ladies...Finally got everything working properly :) This week's challenge is to create a teacher gift. It's back to school and time to show all those great teacher's just how much we appreciate them. So create a cute little gift and upload it here before next Thursday. One lucky winner will get two Sassy images of their choice!
Here's some inspiration to get you started!

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Crazy Sponsorship!

I just wanted to let you know that we are sponsoring The Crazy Challenge again this week!  Their  challenge is Christmas.  I don’t have any samples to show you.  We all kinda  had a crazy week.  But make sure you check out the challenge for your chance to win 4 SASSY images of your choosing!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sassy Saturday and a Couple 0f Sponsorships!


Good Saturday morning to you!  I hope your having a wonderfully relaxing Saturday!  It’s time to feature another FABULOUSLY SASSY SISTAH – StaceyStacey sent me a link to her blog and a couple of the cards she has done, and man are they gorgeous!



Aren’t they gorgeous!!  Stacey-your coloring rocks!  The second card is from our relay that we did in June!  She is one talented SASSY SATURDAY SISTAH!!! Thank you so much Stacey for sharing with us.  Would you like to be featured as our SASSY SATURDAY SISTAH???  Then email me (Sara) at sassysaturdays@att.net

Now onto other business;  we have a couple more sponsorships to tell you about for more  chances to win some fab SASSY images.  First up is our ongoing sponsorship this month for practical scrappers, and their challenge to you is to use “Lace Cardstock”, and here are a couple of samples:


MARILYN lace cs Marilyn made her own lace cardstock with punches-isn’t that clever!  And love the color combo!


SSD-lace-cs I totally cheated and bought my cardstock!

Our next sponsorship is for Stamp, Scrap and Doodle Saturdays, and their challenge to you is to use “KRAFT”.  Super easy right!  Well, I had an idea in mind, got everything colored and started working on it, and guess what-I didn’t use Kraft, so I had to start all 0ver again-lol!  So, here are a couple more samples for you:


armyhoney-1 LOVE IT!!!!  Perfect use of Kraft!


Amanda's kraft GORGEOUS!!!


SSD-rapunzel She is so much fun to color!

Ok, now that I’ve overloaded your brain, get craftin!!!  Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, August 20, 2010

A Couple of Sponsorships, and More Chances To Win!!

Good Friday afternoon to you!  We have 2 sponsorships happening right now, so you have 2 more chances to win some wonderfully SASSY images.   First up is  Easy Craft Projects.  This challenge actually started last week, and runs for another week.  The theme is “GIRLY”, couldn’t be more perfect for the SASSY images.  Here is some inspiration from the DT:


amanda-ecp girly


Lisa-ecp girly

Didn’t they do a wonderful job?!  Next up is the August Digi Day for Stamp Something.  Their challenge is super simple, simply use a digi image.  I used the new Little Honey’s Cinderella.


Make sure you check out the challenges for your chance to win more SASSY images!  Have a great day!

Polka Dot Challenge Winner!

Time to announce the winner of last week's Polka Dot Challenge...

Beautiful card! Congrats! Be sure to email Lindsay at sassystudiodesigns@yahoo.com. You get two sassy images of your choice!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hello Sassy Sistah! It's Sassy Thursday!!! Yeah!!!! So I have a question for you...Ever had a song stuck in your head that you just can't get rid of? Well here's your chance to put it to good use. This week's challenge is to create a CARD INSPIRED BY A SONG! Sounds like fun, huh? Here's some inspiration to get you started:
Sara= "Baby It's Cold Outside"

Marilyn-"Lady in Red" by Chris De Burgh

Amanda- "Truly, Madly, Deeply" by Savage Garden

Kimberly- "Under da Sea"

Now that you're singing those songs, it's time to get busy and create your own work of art. Just remember to use a Sassy image and post what song you chose. You have one week to create! One lucky winner will get two Sassy images of their choice!

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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Challenge Winners!

Ok, so we all know, I'm way behind on announcing winners from the last few challenges. I cannot apologize enough! Bu without further wait...here they are!

Challenge: Let's Get Punchy!
Winner: Arianne

Challenge: Freestyle
Winner: Susie

Challenge: Christmas Card
Winner: Sharette

Congratuations Ladies! Be sure to email Lindsay at www.sassystudiodesigns@yahoo.com to claim your prizes. 2 images of your choice!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sassy Saturday (a little late)


Good Sunday morning to you!  I know I said I’d be back later on Saturday with this, but a couple of things came up-as usual!!!  My SIL is 35 weeks pregnant and keeps going into labor!  Needless to say I’m exhausted!! And to top it off  my kids start school tomorrow, and we’ve been running around like crazy to finish all that, and I’m still not done!!!  Ok, now that I’ve rambled on, lets get down to some business.  Gloria sent me an email awhile back showing off her adorable Hippie Chick card. 

hippie chick

Don’t you just love it!!!  I’m so in love with that peace paper!!  It’s absolutely perfect for this image!  So, Gloria you are our SASSY SATURDAY SISTAH!!!!!  Thank you so much for sharing this with us!  If you would like to share something that you’ve done with us please email me at sassysaturdays@att.net!!!!   Gloria, I’ll be sending your badge right out to you!!  Have a wonderful and relaxing Sunday!!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Few Sponsorships To Tell You About~

Good Saturday morning to you!!!  I hope your having a wonderful weekend.  I was in the hospital most of the night with my SIL again!! She is in labor, but not active enough for the doctors.   It’s plenty active for her though-lol!  We have 3 sponsorships to tell you about!  First is Easy Craft Projects.  I just read though that their challenge is delayed until this evening, so check back tomorrow for our DT’s inspiration for you!  Next is Practical Scrappers, their theme this week is “STITCHING”,  the DT has done some amazing work, so here it is~


kathy ps stitching


marilyn ps stitchingf

Aren’t they gorgeous!!  Get out the sewing maching or needle and thread, head over to practical scrappers and link up your creation!

The next sponsorship is for Etsy Inspired, and they are using this shop as inspiration: http://www.etsy.com/shop/loverdoversclothing.  Here are some samples from the DT:


amanda etsy She used this pic as her inspiration:



kathy etsyAnd this is her inspiration:


What fun are these!!!  This shop has some adorable aprons, and I’m sure you will find plenty of inspiration!  Check back later today for the Sassy Saturday post, until then have a great day!

Friday, August 13, 2010

It's never too late

It's never too late for good news!
So We have had a wonderful Guest Designer working with us this month so far and me being all scatterbrained as I have been forgot to post her introduction!!! Good news is Hubby and I are closing on the house and should have keys in hand next week! and moved in by end of the month so from there it should be all down hill!
Newt bit of great news... We have our Guest designers Intro today!!!

So with out any further Delays may I present to all of you our August Guest Designer Kim!
She will be crafting along side our DT all month and we prepare for our sept release!
her blog is linked to her name and you will now also find her on the side bar with the DT

So first lets get to know Kim just a little bit better...

1. Name: Kimberly Lackenbach (Kim)

2. Location: Newington, CT – Just South of Hartford

3. How long have you been stamping? About 2 years. I didn’t start
stamping until after I bought my Cricut. I first bought stamps to use for sentiments only but as my crafting evolved, I learned that coloring images and matching them to pretty paper brought me the most joy. I especially love digital stamps because you resize them and they don’t take up room in my craft area.
4. How did you hear about Sassy? I learned about Sassy around the holidays last year when I saw others using them. I was reading challenge blogs and saw some stunning images that were Sassy!

5. What was your first ever Sassy Image? Baby it’s cold outside! I bought it to make my daughter a Christmas card. I knew she’d love the long striped gloves and she squealed with delight when she saw it!

6. What are five craft items you can’t live without? Flat back pearls, ribbon, good quality patterned paper,
Cuttlebug and Cricut.

7. What is your favorite coloring medium? Prismacolor Pencils (I haven’t had the pleasure of trying Copics

8. Any tips or techniques you can give fellow stampers? If you are new to the craft, like I am, keep trying
you’ll get better before you know it. Have Fun!

9. If you could create your very own sassy image, what would it be? Probably a French maid.

10. Any questions you want to ask Sassy Studio Designs? No, just keep giving us those great images!

and If you hadn't noticed already a few of her SSD creations have already been posted on the blog along side the DT's but I also wanted to share with you something of her designs today as well and she has this fabulous card featuring Lolipop Lilly!

Well I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday and will give a warm belated welcome to Kim!!

Love and Sassiness, Lindsay

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Dare to Be Sassy Thursday

Hello Sassy Sistahs! This week's Thursday Challenge is Polka Dots! So create something with dots and spots and post it here before next week. One lucky winner will get two Sassy images of their choice. Also, on that note, I'm a couple weeks behind in announce winners so bare with me...I will announce them all tomorrow! Sorry about the delay. :(

Now, let's get on to the inspiration!






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