Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Sassy in the City Relay: Miranda Sassy

Congratulations to the 33 Sassy crafters who have advanced to Round 3 of the Sassy in the City Relay!  Ladies, your creations are just amazing!  We are having a blast celebrating our 700 members on Paper Craft Planet!  Not only do we have this fantastic relay with four incredible image created by owner/artist Lindsay Dyer specifically for this occasion, but we also have all sort of festivities happening over on the Planet!  Come visit before the week is over for trivia, contests, prizes and more!  And remember, you can still join in the fun, and have a chance to win a prize, simply by commenting here on the SSD blog!

We have a couple of winners to announce before we get to our third image.  First, let's congratulate our random comment winner:

Jennifer Scull
Please e-mail me at charmedstamping(at)gmail(dot)com with your choice of one Sassy image from the shop.

 She created not one, but TWO fabulous cards using the Samantha Sassy image!

 CK, please e-mail me at charmedstamping(at)gmail(dot)com with your choice of two Sassy images from the shop.

Now on to our next Sassy in the City image.  She's a successful, Type A workaholic who is the confidant and voice of reason to her friends.  She may be sarcastic and cynical of men, but we all know she's a sweetie underneath.  We present to you Miranda Sassy!

The Challenge:
No Nonsense - Using the Miranda image, create a CAS project.  Clean And Simple, no muss, no fuss.
Deadline: 10pm EDT June 29th

Once again we have stunning samples from the Sassy team.  Here is what they created using the gorgeous Miranda:


Oh. Em. Gee.  Can you believe the talent in this group?!  I am always impressed!  The participants have all been e-mailed this terrific image and I know they will be getting to work on the challenge soon!  Let's see who makes it through to Round 4!  And, as we all know, there's only one Sassy left in the city that we haven't seen yet...  She'll be hailing a cab shortly, and she and her fabulous shoes will be headed this way very soon!

Good luck and happy crafting!



  1. Wow, the inspiration is awesome!! I am so spewin I missed out on this relay!!! HUgsxx

  2. MY WORD! Pure Talent! Love all of these fab projects! So bummed that I missed out on the relay, but more than happy to just stop by and be inspired by all these fab ladies and awesome contestants!

  3. beautiful work ladies! I'm totally inspired and can't wait to get crafty with Miranda

  4. Fabulous image. Boy am I glad I found you just in time for this relay. Shame I have to go out this morning so won't be able to get started with the next round till later today.
    The DT have made so many gorgeous cards with this latest image.Great source of inspiration.
    Beryl xx

  5. Another gorgeous image and Miranda is just oozing with confidence! Thanks so much for great challenge and celebration. :)

  6. Really! everyone is so talented....awesome contest, so excited everyday to see the impressive work.

  7. I so love all of the cards made by the DT!
    and goodness gracious me, to see my name chosen as the winner of an image, well, I am off to pick out one lovely from the store! wooo hooo! thank you so very much!

    having a great time at the party over at PCP, too. :)

  8. WOW, the DT's Rock this challenge. Thank you for letting me play.



  9. Wow, I so missed out on the relay!
    The Dts rock!

  10. Stunning cards from all the DT's, great inspiration too! =)
    Hugs, Elenor

  11. Holy Moly, ladies! These are some really really fabulous creations! You are all outdoing yourselves with this release.

  12. WOW, love what the DT has done with Miranda!

  13. The inspiration is quite fabulous, thanks so much! And thanks for all the fun in the realy, the images are so great!

  14. they are all so awesome! Thanks again for this fun relay. its been loads of fun!

  15. Thanks you so much for another great set of inspirational cards. DT you have done it again!!

  16. This one is a bit of a harder challenge - keeping it simple is much harder than it sounds!!! I'm really enjoying being challenged by this relay and wonder what is in store for us with the fourth image.

  17. Love all the Miranda cards,everyone made her look so different!I guess maybe I don't have too much imagination but I like the idea of a CAS challenge

  18. Loving all these cards with the gorgeous images, can't wait to see the fourth image.

    Pat xx

  19. Love this image, this relay is so much fun!

  20. This is SO MUCH FUN, thanks so much for doing this! :)

  21. The DT cards are awesome, and this relay is lots of fun to do, thanks xx

  22. DT cards are amazing... can't wait to see #4

  23. inspiration is awesome as usual
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