Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Oh my goodness I totally screwed up!
Sooooo thank you Ellen you will get a nice goody from me for letting me know about my mistake, but I needed to select 2 more winners! soooooo via random.org
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:16 3
Timestamp: 2009-07-01 05:02:16 UTC
#16 was Danielle Smith!
and #3 was Jackie!
So I will be sending those off right away and my appologies for the booboo
What do you think?

Monday, June 29, 2009
Drum Roll Please!
The first ever Sassy Studio Design Team!!!
We have 1 team of 6 ladies (not including me or Valerie)
We have Jacquie Peifer,
Deb Kapsiotis (all the way from Australia!),
Jen Young, Lelia Pierce,
Margie Cortina
and Piali Biswas (Piali please email me as the ones I send you keep getting Failures)
We also have an amazing line up of guest Designers too!!! ohhhh nope not yet those are a surprise!!! but I promise we will have 1-2 Guest designers every month August-December!!! So you will just have to be patient and wait and see who they are and what they can do!
So lets give some love to these lovely ladies!!!
It's Candy time!!
Here are your random numbers:11
Timestamp: 2009-06-29 11:17:16 UTC
The winner is Felisa!!!! your image is on its way!!!
Thank you everyone who participated in my anniversary candy giveaway!!!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Happy Anniversary to me!
So all you ahve to do is send an email to sassystudiodesigns@yahoo.com. put happy anniversary in the subject line, and in the body just write I want some candy! and your name. Thats it easy as that! only 1 entry per person please. this will be today and tomorrow only and I will announce the winners on monday!
thanks so much!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
more delays

And then a mermaid!! growing up and even still today the little mermaid is my fav ever! and I had to spice her up a little and make her a little under the sea rock star diva (since she is a singer and all lol) also I have decided to create a few background images that can be used with some of the other images, because sometimes its nice to have a detailed drawn background so one will be under the sea (it's not done as I still have lots to do in the computer this was just the sketch but just an idea)
Then I just needed another fashionista! I love fashionable girls that can be used for anything! she has a little victorian flare a little mod and a little marilyn monroe and britney spears in her I thinksuch a fun combination to play with!
And in honor of summer I ave some summery beachy and tropical images in the works so here is another background that can be used with those.
So I know they are sketchy and unfinished I just wanted to give you sneak peaks of whats in store for the future! and as always I love feedback so feel free to make criticisms and or suggestions! I love suggestions it helps me know what you all want to see!
well have a great day and I'm gonna hope and pray my shopping cart issues get fixed! lol
happy wednesday!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Out of office
And keep those DT entries coming! such great creations!!! this is getting really exciting, and there is only one week left!
The store is open!
And maybe tomorrow I can get started posting some featured ones up here. and I will be adding more images very soon I just have to finish my editing so the wait is over! we are on our way!!! yay!!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Come Join us over at Paper Craft Planet
But I have some great news!!!! We were approved for our own group over at PCP!!!! yay!!! So I hope you will all join our group at http://www.papercraftplanet.com/group/sassystudiodesigns
We would love for people to be able to share their projects chat and do challenges and swaps and we ar ethinking we will even try to do release parties and otehr online events through this group
Also I have been working on trying to get my shopping cart all figured out its been well its been difficult and very time consuming! It has taken so much longer than I had anticipated, but I didn't just wanna do one image at a time I want to get a whole group of them ready to go new and old. and I am crossing my fingers and hoping that all goes acording to plan and I can get them ready for sale and posted finally to the site this weekend!!! so cross your fingers with me and lets say a lil prayer I dont have any thechnical difficulties.
So I just wanted to update everyone and well back to work I go designing some new images and fixing up and making even betetr some old ones!!!
Lindsay Dyer
Friday, June 5, 2009
It's time for a design team!
I am super excited to start this journey and I can't wait to see who will be taking this journey with me. Because this is the first go round the terms will be a little longer, but hopefully after the first term I will be able to offer shorter tersm to allow more of you to join in over time.
So what do you need to do to apply?
....well it is simple. Shoot me an email at sassystudiodesigns@yahoo.com. Give me your name and state or country. A link to your blog as well as any online galleries you are a part of. Give me a brief Bio about you as a crafter, as well as any experience you have with other Design Teams. And if you've never been on one, no worries we don't mind. Along with this information I need 3-5 images attached in jpeg format please. Make these your best most creative and innovative projects. if you do more than just cards, show us. The only requirement with these photos is, you must make one creation using the image I am giving away for Free below...thats it!!! how great is that So no matter what you get a Free image, who can beat that! And she happens to be one of my favorites!!!! Be sure when sending this message to title it "Sassy Studios DT call out" and be sure to let me know what team you are interested in applying for team 1 or team 2 (read further for more details on the 2 teams)
Ok well now that you know how to apply, I am sure you would also like to know what you will be getting yourself into...
I am looking for 2 teams.
Team 1, these are gonna be my go to girls (or guys) I know that I can't do this on my own, especially since I want to be able to design more images exclusive to this new site, and because I know I can't do it all on my own I am looking for 3 Right hands lol. The truth is I already have the 1st. A good friend of mine Valerie is going to be taking on the VP role the #1 spot helping me with all this, so I am looking for 2 more. These will be 1 year long terms (july 1st 09 to june 30th 2010) , so they will require work and commitment. I am looking for peeps who are willing, but also have the knowledge and experience. We will need to run challenges and blog hops and online release parties. We will need to manage online groups such as SCS and PCP and others, as well as assist in running the DT and checking blogs etc. You will be my trial and error girls the ones I can bounce ideas off of and try out new thinsg before we even get to the stage of giving them to to the DT. obviously this job is a big one, which is why it will fall on a number of shoulders, like i said there will be me, and valerie, and 2 others so the goal is for it not to be too overwhelming. You will still have to do all teh projects required of team 2 but you will get extra percs for the extra work.
Team 2 - I am looking for 4 extremely creative and innovative enthusiastic team mebers. Team 2 will be with us for 6 months (july 1, 09 - December 31, 2009). The soul goal of team 2 is to get the word out! to create up a storm and to have a ton of fun doing it all!!! to be a part of the team you have to have a blog and post your crafts regularly, and you need to be a part of PCP and SCS and any other groups sassy studios is involved in. You will have to complete a minimum of 1 SSD project a week, every week. not including challenges and releases. We will do sparatic challenges for starters 1 or 2 a month and if we grow maybe more but thats it for starters. When we do host a challenge you will have to create a project for it in advance. And when we have a release you will have to do 3 samples for each image/set you are given. how many you are given will be based on you and what you can commit to, as long as we get samples for all the new releases. you will get free images for releases, you will get free images each month with a minimum of 2 (there will be ways to get more) and then bonus freebee's when I feel like it. And above and beyond that if you want to purchase any of the images you can at a 50% discount!!! as i]I begin to offer other tangible products I will let you know discount rates on those but for now since all we have are digi images that is all I have to offer.
And finally the deadline, we want to be sure to give enough time for people to hear about this, as well as create their project and enter I am going to end teh DT call out on my Wedding anniverssary! (my 1st!) June 28th 2009 at midnight pacific standard time! so that give you just over 3 weeks! so spread teh word about the free digi image and send in your entries when your ready! I can;t wait to see what you all come up with! The DT's (1 and 2 will be announced on monday june 29th and we will start to work right away!)
So I know this is a lot of information, and the truth is I may have even forgotten something. If you have any questions just email and ask at sassystudiodesigns@yahoo.com
Now the best part!!!! The Free Image... Cell phone cindy!!! She is re edited and looks better than ever!
Photo No Longer Available
Good Luck!!!!!!!